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way through the World with Honor and Wealth
and I Hope that he may never have to encounter
or Surmount Such obsticles [obstacles] and Difficulties
as has been thrown in my Path. Treachery
and Deceit and opposition have I had to Deal
with, in all its Stages and from those who
Should have been the last to Desert, in time
of need Like the story of the viper – they have
attempted to Poisen [Poison] my very existence but
Enough of this I am still able to cope with
and will yet Surmount all Difficulties
Such as have been Plotted against me –

My business begins to improve Since
Sanford Left for the States – and I hope
to accomplish Something this Summer and
if I Do next Season will close my Life in
this Country at least for the present
I am Heartily tired and Sick of the country

Give my Love to all and
Remember me as your dutiful

J. C. Brown

To his Father

Charles Brown
Buffalo Erie, Co, N.Y.

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