Coloma March 16, 1857
Dear Father
having Leasure time
I will try and improve it in writing a few Lines
to you I have nothing of interest to write
about. we have had quite an exciting time in
our County upon the acct [account] of the Legislature passing
an act of Removal of our County Seat from Here
to Placerville, 3 times By a Direct vote have the
people Located the County Seat here ad Coloma and
now the Legislature have moved it and it will Ruin
this town Completely my property will not be worth
anything and our taxes will take all of that is left
well, but they Do not spend anything Scarcely
I Recd [received] a letter from Morgan the last mail
it was a Dunning letter the first time I have
heard from him in the last 18 months or more
I will Pay him what I owe him as soon as I can
but I do not think I ever ought to pay him,
one cent. I sold my Claim for $7500 dol [dollars] that
I Bought by his advice which cost me
over $120000 dol [dollars]. I have made a very nice garden
I have got some peach trees and apple trees some
Current [currant] Bushes and grapes growing and my peach
trees and Strawberies [strawberry] vines are in Blossom I think I shall Have
what grapes we will want to use this summer
The weather is very Hot I have Planted the garden
and the Corn and other things are up and growing finely