


Status: Complete

S. Sk. 6 [centered]

[left edge]
April 22 : 1849

Jude 1:3 [centered]

"And exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith once
delivered to the saints"

Some men assent to truths – wh. [which] they practically deny. There are who to receive
christianity. Not unfashionable now-a-days to profess belief in the Bible, tho,
it is practically set at nought. We should content &c. [et cetera] –

I 1. Bec. [Because] it was reasonable from facts as they were to expect a Revelation
from God to men. Light of nature & reason were long enough tried.

2. Bec. [Because] Xe is true historically – & is authoritative. The writers penned the
books ascribed to them. They describe real events – poss. [possible] in nature. Their
statements are confined by Jew & heathen authors. They are accurate, in the
main, more so than any books half as ancient.

3. Bec. [Because] it comes with proper attestations – such as we should expect>
when God speaks to men. Jesus wrought worthy miracles. The cas [case] was
one worthy of such works – & God was anxious to vindicate the truth.

4. Bec. [Because] XF is such a system as we should look for from such, to such.
Came with proper distinctness & in due time.

II 1. Bec. [Because] it has many opposers. Some of it friends are half-hearted. Many
are entirely ignorant of it.

2. Such a defence is the only effective one – earnestness is the soul of it.

3. This is the only defence worthy of a theme so noble, so sublime.

1. See how earnest men can smile at martyrdom.

2. Learn how best to exalt truth – viz. [in other words] by rt. [right] ac. [actions] & generous self-sacrifice.

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