South Malden Jan. [January] 18. 1848.
My Dear Tarleton,
The people here have wished for some
time to have Mr. Bullard spend one Sabbath with them.
It is understood he will come next Sabbath the 23rd ~
I shall consequently be at liberty.
If you have made no
different arrangements – I shall be happy to go for one
Sunday only – for the present – up to Mason next Sun-
-day. The people, & I too, can then decide whether it
is worth while [worthwhile] to think of my going again.
Please write me at Charlestown immediately how the
matter stands. If other plans have been set in operation
– it is all well. I knew nothing of this opportunity
when I saw you. I do not know as this will reach
you in season to complete the arrangement for this
week – if not, let all remain as before.
In much haste –.
I am Heartily Yours
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