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Preached at Sacramento, May 18:1856, [centered]
by [centered]
J. A. Benton. [centered]
~ [centered]

"First of Peter: 2:13 & 14. [centered]

13. "Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man, for the Lord’s sake:
whether it be unto the king as supreme; 14 Or unto governors, as
unto them that are sent by him, for the punishment of evil-doers,
and for the praise of them that do well."

------ [centered]

We live in exciting times. The waves of agitation lift
themselves on every side. Now &, then they break over us. We
feel them almost lifting us from our feet. And happy are
we if they carry us not headlong.

The nature of laws & compacts, the binding force of
legislative enactments, are matters of deep thought & earnest dis-
-cussion all over the land; from North to South, from ocean
to ocean. On the other side of the Continent rage the turmoil &
agitation growing out of recent repeals & new statutes concern-
ing the organization of the national territories. And, to swell
the roar of the tumult there, we hear already the note of preparation,
the rush and gathering of the elements, the rumble in the hori-
-zon, of a storm at hand, to fill the skies, until scattered in
November blasts, and another President is chosen.

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