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Sacramento City, Feb. 6 : 1851 ~

To A. D. Carpenter, J. W. Hinks, & A. C. Sweetser, Com-
-mittee of the First Church of Christ; and W. C. Waters [W. C. Walters], J. C. Zabris-
-kie & J. H. Scranton, Committee of the First Eccl. [Ecclesiastical] Society of Sac-
-ramento City:

Dear Brethren & Friends,

Your commu-
-nication of the Third of February, extending to me an invi-
-tation to become the Pastor of the Church and Society
you represent, has been laid before me. I have carefully
weighed the proposition you have made. I am deeply im-
-pressed with a sense of its importance, and am not un-
-aware of the cares & responsibilities of the station to which you
have been pleased to call me. Though distrustful of my own
abilities and embarrassed with many doubts, I have no other
wish than to comply with the obligations of duty. Believing
that your wishes are a plain indication of the will of God
in the matter, and entrusting myself to his guidance and
your love, I cheerfully accede to your request, and consent
to take upon myself the duties of the office in the
conditions you have offered. I hold myself ready to
be inducted formally into the office of Pastor at such time
as you shall appoint.

Entreating the blessing and
guidance of Heaven for you in all your efforts to pro-
mote the Redeemer's Kingdom — I am

Humbly and Faithfully, Yours in the Gospel of Christ,

J. A. Benton.

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