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6 revisions
California State Library at Sep 26, 2022 08:11 PM



exhausting to be long maintained. No
law reform gains a fair consideration.

The civil service reform succeeds but
by inches, and finds giant foes in the
highest places. Political abuses multiply.
The government of cities is a mystery and
a maze. The tariff is a monster that can
keep neither its feet, nor its color, nor
its freedom. Wars will not cease, and
nations will not disarm, though their
armies are devouring their wealth. Slaves
clank their chains, and the slave trade goes
on in spite of the navies of all Europe. The
Colored race in America has its free-
-dom and its franchise, but the race is
not in sight of any paradise. The aborigin-
-ies have been knowing civilization by con-
-tact these two or three centuries, and have
not yet learned that there is any valid



exhausting to be long maintained. No
law reform gains a fair consideration.

The civil service reform succeeds but
by inches, and finds giant foes in the
highest places. Political abuses multiply.
The government of cities is a mystery and
a maze. The tariff is a monster that can
keep neither its feet, nor its color, nor
its freedom. Wars will not cease, and
nations will not disarm, though their
armies are devouring their wealth. Slaves
clank their chains, and the slave trade goes
on in spite of the navies of all Europe. The
Colored race in America has its free-
-dom and its franchise, but the race is
not in sight of any paradise. The aborigin-
-ies have been knowing civilization by con-
-tact these two or three centuries, and have
not yet learned that there is any valid