San Jose, Santa Clara. Co. [County] Cala. [California]
No. 196 Montgomery St. – Mar. 1 – 1888.
Much loved Aunt C.
Since I wrote you last
have had a severe illness that confined me
for two months. Had an attack of congestion of
the lungs and fever. For a time they thought I
could not recover, but my time had not come
to go, and I am now able to go on with my
daily duties. Sister Allie came and spent
five weeks with me, to help take care of me –
and has just made us another visit.
She and family are well and doing well.
Their Mt home, is becoming quite a resort
for Campers, and people from San Francisco
Oakland, San Jose, and other towns, who wish
to go to the country for a change during vacation
So every season, she has all she can accommodate
with board and lodging – She is a
good cook and No. 1. housekeeper besides.
[written vertically in left margin]
It has been a long time since I have heard from you – if you are not able to write I wish
Cousin Oscar or his
wife would –
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