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This city is steadily improving. Have a new City
Hall – Large Hotels and fine Business blocks will
soon have $200,000 P. O. building completed –
Have Electric St Rail-Road and other improvements

Since I wrote you, have been on the thresh-hold of
the other life – In June after eight MD's passed
their opinion upon my case – which was that
I had cancer in my right breast – in advanced
stage of development – and that with out
immediate Skillful treatment I must Soon
die – It had troubled me for two years – Finally
decided to go to the Sanitarium at Crystal Springs
near St Helena – Napa Co [County] – about 70 miles north
of San Francisco – I there had it drawn out, &
lived through the operation, came home and
am now able to resume some of my duties
but am not strong – My friends here consider
it marvelous that I am as well as I am –
Do not expect to have perfect health – but think
my life may be prolonged for some-time yet.

If this reaches you, I hope if you are not able
to write, that Cousin Oscar, or his wife will for
you – If I could go east, there is no place I so
wish to visit as your home – and my childhood
friends – Some-times I visit you in my dreams
and I fear it is the only way I can while in
this life – but we do not know what is in store
for us – I would be very, very happy to see you and
dear Uncle Asahel once more in this life, but
we shall all soon go to the other home – Are you
and Uncle able to do any work? – I do so long
to see you that I feel that I can scarcely wait
until I can How is Cousin Oscar and family?

Please write about all our old friends and
neighbors – We have had but a few days of hot
weather this summer – greater part of the time
it has been cool and pleasant – Hoping
this will find you well and happy. I
am as ever lovingly your niece –
Remember much love to dear Uncle and
all the family Your aff [affectionate] Josephine .J. Crawford

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