a large house to take care of and milk &
butter to attend to, besides much fruit of all
kinds, of which she puts up a large quantity
and fills orders for Eastern firms, so she
has no time to spend in writing to her friends
when not at work is too tired to write. She
wished me to write you for her, as I have
more time, although I too, have a busy life &
do not write as often as I would like to – for
I am conscious that it will not be long before
we shall not have this privilege and pleasure
and I wish to improve it.
Our brothers are well – Brayton had lately lost
a grand-child Lain's little Grace Pond – She was
a delicate child, went into spasms and died.
In writing of Sister Allie I forgot to mention
her little tots – Both of her sons are married
and live in little Cottages near-by the old folks
and work the farm – The one married first
has Leslie & Grace, the last has a little boy
they call Gulian Brayton – after both of their
Uncles - Allie's daughter Annis is here in
San Jose with Miss Dr. Goss, assisting in
Office work, which she enjoys – and they
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