Feb the 11 1849
Dear Cousen [Cousin]
Do not think I have forgoten [forgotten] you by my not writing
to you before let me asure [assure] you I have not or ever will
I did not Return to the Springs as soon as I expected I staid [stayed]
to Sandy Hill until the 20 of January I was afflicted with
the tooth ache for it long time I injoyed [enjoyed] myself quit [quite] well
and Should if I could have had your letter but Believe me
Dear Cousen [Cousin] I delayed no time when I got here to go to the
offace [office] and was very happy to find A letter from you with
A Joyfull [Joyful] heart I broke the Seal and was happy to hear that
you was in good health for with out [without] it we are poor mortals
for good health and good companey [company] makes this life very
agreeable for my part I am verry [very] fond of both and If I could
have the company of my friends I should be very glad but
as I can not it is A great pleasure to think that though we we
are far A part [apart] yet we can converse with eithe each other
with the pen it is A pleasure for me to write to one that I
esteem as Dear as I do you but I should be happyer [happier] to See
you but Alas I can not so I must content myself by writing to
you and hope if we live we Shall See each other before long
for I can truly say I injoyed [enjoyed] usayr your company much
when in Old Dutchess Dear Cos I comenced [commenced] this the 11 and now
it is the 14 and I try to finish it do excuse me for I have
for I have bin [been] quit [quite] bisey [busy] to worke [work] and that is not all
I have made A Bargesia [bargain] to go to California with
A young man in the next ship that sails I thought
best to let you Know I think I shall not go & with
out [without] Cousin first calling for you so I will bring A
Lady for you the more the merryer [merrier] we will be
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