[upper right corner]
enthusiasm with a little slops but they bear it like martyrs,
the fact is one armed American can win twenty of them
at any time, the Americans have behaved themselves very
well (I believe) princepally [principally] because there was no opposing
force. – Those of the men who can afford it dress like
Americans but mostly in white, they are very fond of dress
& have considerable taste in that way, they have slender little
active figures & generally look as if they could run a great
speed (from a field of battle), they; as is, however universally
the case have decidedly the advantage of the females in
personal appearance. I suppose this point will be disputed
but as a proof I refer you to a creation in general: the better
class among the women dress expensively but, wear no bonnets
where the head is covered they use a lace vail [veil] for that purpose
but it is generally dispensed with, the hair is worn either
curled (having a slight tendency that way:) on in long plaits
down the back – this is the case with old or young, caps
are unknown. – The largest proportion however confine
themselves to two articles of dress the chemise & the frock
& to all appearance wear nothing else. The difference between
full dress & ordinary consists in the way the dress is fastened
behind, when dressed 'tis hooked at the top a waist also but in
general comfort is consulted & the waist is not confined;
their principle amusement at their social gatherings seems
to consist of hunting, game is plenty & they pursue it with
great eagerness. The following is the plan of operations – they
sit in a circle on the floor one befor [before] the other & examine each
others heads those they catch they eat – those that escape they can
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