profits are made here in this every of trade it has been a
much more certain mode of making money than mining
if we make an ordinary profit our load will pay us
1500$ a piece I confidently expect to make something in
the next two months- I will remit as soon as I can
I invested what funds I had in our venture-
Miller & I are going down the Bay of San Francisco
to go with a truck farm to raise vegetables for the mar
-ket- anything of that kind brings an enormous price
this business I expect will be permanent-as soon as
I can fix things a little I shall send for you & the little
darlins & settle down at home once more- The climate
here is the finest I have ever seen, the air is clean dry
& from the weather is always fine the grass on the plains
is dried & parched up but the trees are as green & fresh
as in the states- where ever there is any moisture at
all , all kinds of vegetation is most luxuriant- I have
not been in the cultivated portion but all acets describe
it as very fine.-no man can get along in this county
unless he will work- in some kind of business
money is easily made- but cannot be got without exer=
=tion - which many men are too lazy to make-
large numbers of two legged animals came out here
who expected to pick up 50 or 100 thousand dollars
in a few weeks are very glad to get enough to pay
their way home- Droves are of no use here,
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