money, very little has been made by persons
who have shipped goods here cargoes are general
sold at auction in large lots and at low
prices rather than incur the expence of
lightening & storage which are extremely heavy
most of the money that had been made by men
here in buisness has been on goods bought
here the profits on wholesaling vary from
vary from 10 to 100 per cent on retailing from
100. 400. this is rendered nessesary by the excessively
high rents. a store one any of the principal
streets 20 ft front by 30 deep onestory will rent
for $1000 per month payable in advance, some of
hotels rent for 4-5,000 for month and pay well
at these are strange things and this is a
strange place in most respects it suposes
any thing that the world ever saw before Gambling
goes ahead of any thing that I ever saw
before and I have seem some from the places here
I now sit I can see 10 large Hotels filled
with tables for mente faro roulette vington
Rondo & with from a 2 to 5 thousand Bank on every
table which are constantly surrounded by eager
betters from ten in the morning until ten
at night (some don't go home till morning) I have
often seen there hand at is often I got up of course
the gambling fraternity make large fortunes
quite a number have gone home with from
20 to 50,000 made in two or three months
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