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a very large proportion of this money is left
by miners who are down here spending the winter
and who after fooling away their hard earnings
will go back and toil for more I have
known one loose in one night all that he
had made last season in a single night
Has money got over his attack of the fever
I in my last letter to Sara I wrote to Mr Hatchism
to come and bring three or four thousand
dollars with him but not to come without.
If Murray could bring that out with him there
are nine chances out of ten that he would
make twenty or thirty by winter a man who
wanted me to stay with him last spring
and go on partnership and whose capital at
that time did not excede $130.00 is now worth
$20 000 but I must go to the mines along with
the ballance of the fools I have seen my mistake
however and intend to make up for it this season
I have managed to save three or four hundreds
in spite of expences and bad luck on my
trading trips I have made a little start
already what with Brokering and buying
& selling on my own all I am making more
than my expenses and am making business
aquaintances & aquiring a knowledge of business &
the market which will be usefull to me in
the summer, If any of murrays friends in Phila
maut to send any thing to this country the only

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