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when I left Bloom having been being a baby of
course I can have no idea of his
appearance except that he probably
posseses the elephantine proportions of
his brother if he does they are a pair
hard to match elsemore

If any of my old friends take the trouble
to call enquire after me tell them that
I hope some day have an opportunity
of taking them by the hand & have a
chat about the good old times I would
greatly enjoy a visit but I never would
be ? to live there again much
as I love the old shot it is too quiet
for my active mind I would soon tire
of the land of steady habits

If you wish to have the benefit of my
correspondence, & if this is too long and tedious
you must console yourself with the idea that
the next may be much more so & be gratefull that
it is no worse the best wishes for
no 6 & his mother & Love to the family
generally, I conclude

Your Aft [Affectionate]

William R. Olden

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