part of our time to get rid of you who have
your homes & children and husbands, wives &
friends & relatives around you can under
stand the desolate feeling that comes
over one out here in the evening the day
is generally occupied but in the evening
comes the tug of war, it is nothing surprising
that so many turn to disapation as a
rescourse, particularly if they are fond of
My health continues most robust
I weigh 190 lbs & measure 42 inches round the
chest & here where you will find more stout
men in proportion than in most places
I am considered a stout man in any
crowd and although I am thirty two & my head
is sprinkled with grey I am five years
younger looking than most of my
contemporaries my complection is as ruddy & my
skin as clear as you ever seen it.
I am afraid that the dagtypes [daguerreotypes] have misscarried
as Charlie Paxson lost his trunk
upon the Isthmus I shall send mine
by the next mail to Save the P.O.
regulations permit them to be sent in that
way Love to Aunt Susan Murray
& all the children I remain
Your aff [affectionate] Brother William R. Olden
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