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Marysville Aug 12 1863

My Dear Sister

I have received no reply
to my last letter to you but I suppose
the cares of your large family take
up most of your time Six such as
you have are not to found in the Strats
I should say mien are some Punkins
as they say in the south if I may
Judge by their Daguerotypes [daguerreotypes] Sara sent
me to of them one of Sallie & herself & one
of Sallie & Lizzie the last is a capital
picture Lizzie looks very much as she
used to & Sallie although altered still
has the same expression all my friends
think that they are remarkably pretty girls
& are phrenologically disposed thought that
Sallie had a very fine head I think
that Lizzie looks like you & there is also
a resemblance to her mother also

Sara's Pictures is not a good one Sallie
is taken with her & does not look like the
same child, I do not think Sara looks
a day older than when I saw her last
the great objection to dagerotypes [daguerreotypes] is that
they do not give the expression which is
the chief Beauty in an intelligent face
Did the Idea never strike you that I have
no likeness of you nor Aunt Rachel Murray
nor any of the children as there is no
probability that I mite visit the Atlantic Sea

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