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weighing seventy five lbs to the bushel
What do you think of that. We have corn
18 feet high three ears to the stalk + ten ft
to the first ear it was thought that corn
could not be raised here on acc of the
[drauth?] I wish some onewould offer
a good price for the old place + you
would pack up + come out here + live
in a State that in ten years will be ahead
of the rest of the union but that is too good
to hope for you will stay where you are and
vegetate while [Ime?] a man can find full
[scope?] for all his energy + rise with the
growth of a new country it seems to me that
life would be a burden if I had to drag
it along after the old fashioned way that
prevail among you, give me full [scope?]
for my energy and I am happy do not
suppose for a moment that I am at
all displeased to rush into rash specula-
-tions on the contrary I have had some [?]
thousand dollars lying by me for two months
past which I have not used becaused I did
not wish to run any risk. but pardon this dig-
ression, our commission is five percent clear
of all expence + all the goods we can sell we
have a lot 40 by sixty near the steam boat
landing right in the heart of the heavy business part
of the town we mite put up a store the full size
of the lot and open a 6am [?] & Storage
business I have done a considerableamt of the
two [?] during the last five months & have
made a good deal more than my expences

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