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Star Golden Age
Panama Bay June 30/59

My Dear Sister

As it is now about
time to start back - I as heretofore
sat myself down to indite you an
Epistle - and will to the best of my
ability narate events past and
present & also slightually prophesy
as to those which are to come,
and as first in order you will remember
what I said in regard to coming
on to pay you a visit, at the time I noted
it was currently reported that the Co
were building a new ship for this side
and I had written on to make application
to come out around the horn in her
with the expectation of takeing advantage
of the same opportunity to take Lizzie
out with me - all these plans were
very nice with one exception and that
was the new ship which from all that
we can learn has not been commenced
yet. So that Sara and I (name her
first cause she is best) came to the com-

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