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San Francisco May 20/60

My dear Sister

Yours & Murrays letters
of April 17th giving us full details
of the sickness & death of our dear Aunt
came by the steamer arriving on the
13th inst. Bessies letter had shocked
us very much, the event was entirely
unexpected as the previous letter reported
her better, it was like losing a
second mother. She having been all
that a mother could have been to me
during the long years of my sickly youth
and after my arrival at manhood -
but my case was the rule and not
the exception all of her nephews &
neices have in their turn experienced
her constant & self sacrafising lovingkindness
her heart was all love. I doubt if any
one ever lived whose life was more perfectly
blameless, however much we may regret
it for ourselves. We cannot on her account
as she has left a life of pain and suf-
-fering, for one of the highest seats in the
glories of heaven & is now with our sainted Mother

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