Anaheim Dec 15th 1877
My Dear Sister
Your letter of Nov 26th reached
me in due time. And I take advantage
of a rainy day to reply to it.
I think you were wise in letting Rodman
accept the position in Brazil. at home
promotion comes slowly and the chance even for
steady employment in his profession during
these hard times is doubtful. The emperor of
Brazil is an enlightened man and many
such enterprises are likely to be carried out
and after he has mastered the Portuguese and
Spanish languages. and learned how to take
care of his health in that climate it will be
his own fault if he does not succeed. your
boys all seem to be steady and have a purpose
in life, which is not common in these
days when so many young men are
trifling and of no [?]. it is no doubt owing to
the stock they are descended from. Blood
will tell.
I think if Rod takes care of himself after
they get above the falls of the Madeina that
the climate will not give him much trouble
but he must wear thin flannel clothes in
preference to linen. the latter does for State
occasions, but Navy flannel should be worn
habitually, physicians in India compled[?] the
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