Journal Palmetto Mining Company Voyage

This journal is a record of the journey from Charleston, South Carolina to Coloma, California, and covers the period of March 3, 1849 to October 12, 1849. The journal belonged to Edward Keegan, but it is not known if Keegan is the actual author. The Palmetto Mining Company members traveled together on the Henrico, which sailed via the Isthmus of Panama. The company disbanded shortly after arriving in Coloma. Please note that historical materials in the Gold Rush Collections may include viewpoints and values that are not consistent with the values of the California State Library or the State of California and may be considered offensive. Materials must be viewed in the context of the relevant time period but views are in no way endorsed by the State Library. The California State Library’s mission is to provide credible information services to all Californians and, as such, the content of historical materials should be transcribed as it appears in the original document.




is Immediately called a town. Some of these are called Montezu=ma [Montezuma], New York, Suttersvill [Sutterville] and Sacramento City with many others whose names I have now forgotten, and not being a regular Journalist I did not keep a sum of them, however the Scenery all the way was Very fine and we could Ssee the hills Black with cattle who feed on Wild Oats the Beef here is Very good and escceedingly [exceedingly] Sweet and tender. Beef is Sold at 25 Cents the pound hams are from 50 to 65 Cents the pound and

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Bread is 50 Cents the loaf the Same as you get in the Northern States for 12 1/n Cents Eggs are one dollar each 12 dollars per dozen and Any price for fowl. This is a Sharp look out for the gold diggars [diggers]. Some of Our Company went a Shore [ashore] at Sutters Ville [Sutterville] and Walked to Sacramento City taking with them a very Value able [valuable] dog that was given to the Company as a presant [present], By Mr. William Anderson of Charleston they dog was rather fat and the weather Very Warm. So after being about half an hour a Shore [ashore] the dog become [became] very uneasy

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and at last took fits they were obliged to make him fast by two chains and after recovering the first fir he appeared very strange in his appearance and he commenced leiting every thing [everything] and they considered him consequently Mad and Killed him on the prearie [prairie]. Some large vessells [vessels] come up the river as far as Sacramento City but then they are doomed to lay. There is many reports here about gold finding but every man has to prove the whole by personal escperience [experience] here. We are encamped in

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good health with a Small esception [exception] of Drisentery [Dysentery]. The Weather is very hot here and is reported to be much hotter at the Mines. We intend Traviling [traveling] in a day or two as soon as we recover our long Voyage of 91 days from Panama to San Francisco.

It was reported here that the Cholorea [Cholera] Broke Out in Panama after we left and Swept every thing before it, and the ship Hombolt [Humboldt] from the Same port and not yet arrived is reported to have lost 100 of her passengers having 450 on board. Many other Smaller vessels had not as yet

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got to San francisco [San Francisco] and it is thought they must have perished our open boat put out but there is no tidings of her or many more. Sacramento City is like all the Rest we have Seen composed principally of tents with a few wooden houses it is a complate [complete] place of Speculation.

We left here on Friday 17th of Augt. [August] Bound for Sutters [Sutter's] Mill we had to Store a great deal of our baggage to pay dearly for it, as they Charge three dollars per Month for a Barre [barrel] or Trunk, from Sacramento to Sutters [Sutter's] Mill is 55 or 60 Mils [Miles] and we had to pay 14 dollars

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