Benjamin Chew list of enslaved peoples, 1770 March 2




Status: Needs Review

A list of Mr Chews negroes at White
hall March 12 - 1770 -

Men. - 1 Will -
2 - Sam -
3 - Cooper -
4 - Lemmon -
5 - Jim-
Women. 6 - Old Luce -
7 - Silvey -
8 - Luce -
9 - Sall -
Boys. 10 - Gozman - 12 or 13 years of age-
11 - David - 8 or 9 [repeat]
12 - Aliam - 8 or 9 [repeat]
13 - Cato - 8 or 9 [repeat]
14 - Dick - 5 or 6 [repeat]
15 - Jack - 5 or 6 [repeat]
16 - Lanos - 3 or 4 [repeat]
Girls. 17 - Rachel - 9 or 10 [repeat]
18 - Precila - 8 or 9 [repeat]
19 - Nan - 5 or 6 [repeat]
20 - Jude - 6 or 7 months old-

Spring cloaths are wanting for those
negroes & plantation

A list of Mr Chews negroes put out
from Whitehall to service, from March
first 1770 - for one year -
1 - Tone - to Henry Moor for £ 12-0-0
2 - Sharfer - to Robert Moor for - 10-0-0
3 - Bin - to Philip Denncy for - 10-0-0
4 - Moll -- to Philip Denncy for - 4-0-0
5- Sall and young child to John -
I wallow for their Victuals & cloathes
6 - Peg - to Widdow Hill for 4 - 0 - 0
7 Absalom to go West } both - £ 3-0-0
8 Sue to go West}
9 Rachel to Wm White - 2-10-0
10 young Luce to Jo Smith for
her maintainance - £41 - 10 - 0

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