m 2 (3d)




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This figure is put here to vnderstande the presse that
is put in the boke of Numeris: to shewe the disposici
on of the twelf kynradis and of the dekenys aboute the ta
bernakil. Also to vnderstande the hard passyng by Josue whan
the childer of israel came ouer the water of Jordan after the
deth of moises. Of the citeis of refute. and of the townes
and placis assigned to the dekenis and preestis among the
twelf tribus.
Naason whan the childer of israel went out of egipt
was prince of the kynrade of Juda. and so it is true
that god seid to abraham: that the childer of israel shuld be i[n]
thraldom in to the fift kynrade. if there be rekenyng by the
lyne of the kynges. so that we calle not generacions by p[er]so
nes. but by successions. as rekene after Mathe fro Juda to
Naason. and he seith fyue tymes: he gate. If thow hast in
the lettir in the fourth kynrad: than rekene by the lyne of
the preestis. and rekene fro leuy vn to Eleazar.
Salmon toke Raab to wife. the which receuid the
aspies sent fro Josue to Jericho. and his ham vnder
the stubel of flexe. She dwellid next to the towne walle in
that side. and by the hangyng of areed cord ouer the walle:
she was saued and hyr houshold. and no mo of the citi of

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