f. 11v




Status: Indexed

londys and tenementis be dalte in brede at the gild halls to ye por[?] peopull... also I wyll that / a sangred be kepte in Seynt James Churche a bove rehersyd for the sowlis of Jhon Odh...? and Margitt/ his wyff Anne and Margitt her dowthris and for the soulis of the bretheryn [word erased] of Candylmesse gyld for the whiche he must have iiij s iiij d / Also I wyll that my prest / w[ith]/ all the bretheryn [word erased] of Candilmesse gylde be partytakerys of all the suffrage mattis and prayers off this and of all other above rehersyd and also I wyll that the seid prest have his .uete[?] seke and hayle t... of his lyff [?] **[n.1] Also I wyll that the aldyrman and .ye of Candilmesse gylde have yerly for ther lavs ij s and the clerk off the gylde for redyng of the statute and off the testament at dyner iiij d. In to the feith[?] and testimony of all these thyngs and that this present wrytyng indentyd in too partyes of this my last wyll may have strenght alway to abyde & know opynly to all men[?] / I have sealed eyther p[ar]t ther off w[ith] my seale. The dat yovyn off these .n. [?] tenements in the borow off Bury Seynt Edmund a fore sayd. the fyfte day of the moneth of February. In the yeer of the regne of Kyng Edward the iiij the aftyr the Conquest of Ynglond xix. And in the yeer of our Lord [mill.. 4CL]? septuage s..s[?] nons. Wyttnessyng the ryght ren..ent[? fadyr in god Tho[ma]s Abbott of the monastry off Seynt Edmund in Bury and Willi[a]m Prior of the same w[t]

n.1 8 for a sa[--] uy..ed[?] in St James. 4s 4d
n.2 ??
n.3 [in grey pencil] here / so that the ga.le[?] be suyd ev[er]y Sunday To ye ....[?] 2s ye clerke 4d
n.4 5 Feb 19.Ed4 1479
n5 text unclear
footnote text unclear

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