Diary for 1865 of George B. Carle, Company K. 90th Ohio Regiment



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PROPRIETARY, Medicines, Perfumery, Cosmetics, Preparations, &c., each package retailed at not over 25 cents........................................................... .01 Over 25 cents and not over 50 cents.......................... .02 Over 50 cents and not over 75 cents.......................... .03 Over 75 cents and not over $1................................... .04 Every add'l 50 cents, or part thereof, 2 cents more.

FRICTION MATCHES, or lucifer matches, or other articles made in part of wood, and used for like purposes, each package of 100 matches or part thereof.................................................................... .01

CIGAR LIGHTS, and wax tapers, double the rates im- posed on matches.

PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPES, DAGUERROTYPES, &c., on each picture, retail price not over 25 cents............ .02 Over 25 cents and not over 50 cents........................... .03 Over 50 cents and not over $1.................................... .05 Every add'l $1, or part thereof, 5 cents more. (Photographs, or any sun picture, being copies of en- gravings or works of art, or used for the illustration of books. and on photographs so small in size that stamps cannot be affixed, pay an ad valorem duty,)

PLAYING CARDS, price not over 18 cents each pack... .02 Over 18 cents and not over 25 cents .......................... .04 Over 25 cents and not over 50 cents........................... .10 Every add'l 50 cents, 5 cents more.

--->The indiscriminate use of all kinds of stamps (except postage or proprietary) is permitted, care being taken to affix a stamp or stamps of the proper amount.

The person using or affixing the stamp or stamps, shall write thereupon the initials of his name and the date upon which the same shall be attached or used, so that the same shall not be used again, under a penalty of $50; or they may be canceled by such other method as the Commissioner of Internal Revenue may prescribe.

Documents made in any foreign country, to be used in the United States, shall pay the same duty as when made here.

Powers of Attorney, or other papers relating to applications for bounties, arrearages of pay, or pensions, require no stamp; neither do indorsement of negotiable instrument, nor any warrant of attorney accompanying a bond or note when such bond or note shall be stamped; and whenever any bond or note shall be secured by mortgage, but one stamp duty is required, provided the stamp duty placed thereon is the highest rate required for said instrument, or either of them.

All wilful neglect to comply with the conditions of these Stamp Duties will be punished as the law directs.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Carolebar
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LETTERS TO ANY PART OF THE UNITED STATES, 8 cents for each 1-2 ounce of part thereof.

DROP LETTERS, 2 cents.

ADVERTISED LETTERS, 1 cent, in addition to the regular rates.

VALUABLE LETTERS may be registered on application at the office of mailing, and the payment of a registration fee not exceeding 20 cents.

TRANSIENT NEWSPAPERS, Periodicals, Pamphlets, Blanks, Proof Sheets, Book Manuscripts, and all mailable printed matter, (except circulars and books,) 2 cents for each and every 4 ounces. Double these rates are charged for Books.

UNSEALED CIRCULARS, (to one address,) not exceeding 3 in number, 2 cents, and in the same proportion for a greater number.

SEEDS, CUTTINGS, ROOTS, &c., 2 cents for each 4 ounces or less quantity.

ALL PACKAGES of Mail Matter not charged with letter postage must be so arranged that the same can be conveniently examined by Postmasters; if not, letter postage will be charged.

NO PACKAGE will be forwarded by mail which weighs over 4 pounds.

ALL POSTAGE MATTER, for delivery within the United States, must be PREPAID by stamps (except duly certified letters of soldiers and sailors); otherwise, double the above rates will be charged on delivery.

WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS, (one copy only,) sent to actual Subscribers within the County where printed and published, free.

LETTERS TO CANADA and other British North American Provinces, when not over 3,000 miles, 10 cents for each 1-2 ounce. When over 3,000 miles, 15 cents. Prepayment optional.

LETTERS TO GREAT BRITAIN or IRELAND, 24 cents. Prepayment optional.

LETTERS TO FRANCE, 15 cents for each 1-4 ounce. Prepayment optional.

LETTERS TO OTHER FOREIGN COUNTRIES vary in rate according to the route by which they are sent, and the proper information can be obtained of any Postmaster in the United States.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Carolebar
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ECLIPSES IN 1865. In the year 1865 there will be four eclipses ; two of the Sun, and two of the Moon. FIRST. A Partial Eclipse of the Moon, night of April 10-11. Visibile as follows: New York. St. Louis. San Francisco

Last edit about 3 years ago by guest_user
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MOON'S PHASES FOR 1865. ----- NEW YORK. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

First Quarter. Full Moon. Last Quarter. New Moon.
10h. 46m. |6h. 4m. |9h. 40m. |4h. 34m morning. |afternoon. |afternoon. |morning.
8h. 12m. |11h. 31m. |4h. 42m. |3h. 7m. afternoon. |morning. |afternoon. |afternoon.
7h. 22m. |5h. 46m. |7h. 40m. |0h. 32m. morning. |morning. |morning. |morning.
8h. 23m. |11h. 31m. |6h. 24m. |9h. 18m. afternoon. |afternoon. |afternoon. |morning.
11h. 8m. |3h. 27m. |1h. 44m. |5h. 54m. morning. |afternoon. |morning. |afternoon.
3h. 25m. |4h. 45m. |6h. 57m. |3h. 2m. morning. |morning. |morning. |morning.
8h. 44m. |3h. 33m. |11h. 31m. |1h. 33m. afternoon. |afternoon. |morning. |afternoon.
2h. 12m. |0h. 33m. |4h. 46m. |2h. 21m. afternoon. |morning. |afternoon. |morning.
6h. 50m. |8h. 56m. |0h. 2m. |5h. 48m. morning. |morning. |morning. |afternoon.
9h. 50m. |5h. 35m. |10h. 26m. |11h. 31m. afternoon. |afternoon. |morning. |morning.
10h. 54m. |3h. 7m. |0h. 49m. |6h. 4m. morning. |morning. |morning. |morning.
10h. 3m. |1h. 48m. |7h. 17m. |11h. 49m. afternoon. |afternoon. |afternoon. |afternoon.
DEC. 25.
7h. 35m.
LIST OF SUNDAYS IN 1865. ----------- JANUARY............1.......8.......15.......22.......29 FEBRUARY..........5......12......19........26 MARCH..............5.......12......19.......26 APRIL.................2........9......16.......23.......30 MAY....................7.......14......21......28 JUNE...................4.......11......18......25 JULY....................2........9.......16......23......30 AUGUST...............6.......13.......20......27 SEPTEMBER........3........10......17......24 OCTOBER............1.........8.......15......22......29 NOVEMBER.........5........12.......19......26 DECEMBER..........3........10.......17.....24.....31
Last edit almost 3 years ago by erspall
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MOON'S PHASES FOR 1865. ------- SAN FRANCISCO. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Quarter. |Full Moon. |Last Quarter. |New Moon.

-------- ------- -------- -------
7h. 32m. |2h. 50m. |6h. 26m. |1h. 20m. morning. |afternoon. |afternoon. |morning.
4h. 58m. |8h. 17m. |1h. 28m. |11h. 53m. afternoon. |morning. |afternoon. |morning.
4h. 8m. |2h. 32m. |4h. 26m. |9h. 18m. morning. |morning. |morning. |afternoon.
5h. 9m. |8h. 17m. |3h. 10m. |6h. 4m. afternoon. |afternoon. |afternoon. |morning.
7h. 54m. |0h. 13m. |10h. 30m. |2h. 40m. morning. |afternoon. |afternoon. |afternoon.
0h. 11m. |1h. 31m. |3h. 43m. |11h. 48m. morning. |morning. |morning. |afternoon.
5h. 30m. |0h. 19m. |8h. 17m. |10h. 19m. afternoon. |afternoon. |morning. |morning.
10h. 58m. |9h. 19m. |1h. 32m. |11h. 7m. morning. |afternoon. |afternoon. |afternoon.
3h. 36m. |5h. 42m. |8h. 48m. |2h. 35m. morning. |morning. |afternoon. |afternoon.
6h. 36m. |2h. 21m. |7h. 12m. |8h. 17m. afternoon. |afternoon. |morning. |morning.
7h. 40m. |11h. 53m. |9h. 35m. |2h. 50m. morning. |afternoon. |afternoon. |morning.
6h. 49m. |10h. 34m. |4h. 3m. |8h. 35m. afternoon. |morning. |afternoon. |afternoon.
DEC. 25. DEC. 31.
4h. 21m. 10h. 38m.
morning. afternoon.
SAN FRANCISCO TIDES. -------- NOTE. -- The tides for San Francisco, as given here, are obtained from the latest data of the United States Coast Survey. These tides are extremely irregular, both as regards interval and height. The two daily tides may occur either during the same morning, or during the same afternoon. In the tide columns of these pages the asterisk (*) denotes the second morning tide, and the obelisk (†) the first afternoon tide of the day when so occurring. Finally, the large tide of the day is distinguished by the letter (l), and the smaller by (s).
Last edit almost 3 years ago by erspall
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