Page 1 April 15, 1862




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Camp On Battle Field, Apr. 15, 1862

Dear Sister:

Yours, of the 6th
inst. was received a few hors-
ago, and having leisure
time, I now sit down to
answer it, and I will try to co-
mmunicate something that
will interest you. It is an
account of the part which
our regiment played in the
Battle of Pittsburg. Early
on Monday the 7, eight co-
mpanies of our regiment
entered the field of battle. They
were in the hotest of the fight,
and achieved many applaud-
able deeds, among which was
a brilliant charge on a re-
bel battery, which was carried by
them. The battery was the famous
"Washington Battery," and co-

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On line 8 "account of the part which"... should read "account of the PAST which"