1861-11-06 Arianna Adeline Webb from Susan Ann Webb



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Wednesday Morning before School. Nov. 6th 1861.

Addie, dear, Sam wrote to his "dear little Sis." last Friday and tho' he doesn't like for his letters to have company, I must slip in a note to let you know a thing or two that he didn't mention as they hadn't happen'd when he wrote. Laura spent yesterday with Mary Bingham. She came home last night looking quite delighted with herself for having performed so generous an act. Mary says by way of retaliation she is going to get into the horse [?] cart & come over here & spend a day & play every thing she knows for Laura on your sweet toned [?] pianno. Mrs Montgomery is to come over in a day or two with her little girls. Lillie's face is quite disfigured with sores. When I went up to see them I carried the little girls some flowers. Minnow said, "now Ma, ain't Miss [?] Sue sweet? She is just as sweet as sugar to bring us these flowers & she brought 'em purpose for us." every word emphasized.

Last edit over 4 years ago by ghale
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Mary sent me my ___ [?] by Laura. ____ [?] is ready and waiting to go. Ms. Montgomery nailed up the box so tight she couldn't get it in. By the way, did you get the box? We are quite anxious to know. Line left yesterday. I think Mr. M. is calculating to remain in Randolph another year. Line said she would probably not get home again before next Spring. Bro. J. hasn't come up yet from our poor dear sister. She gets no better. Mrs. Hill wrote me she had just torn up the last dress[?] she had when the things I sent her last week got there. If I hadn't sent them just then she would not have had a dress [?] to put on. A letter from ___ __ [?] informs us of the death of Aunt Mary. She died 22nd Oct in the full assurance of a home in that house not made with hands. She left an infant named Hugh Brown 4 months old. Lea [?] is in the army.

Last edit over 4 years ago by ghale
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is stationed at Camp Polk island no 10, on the ___ [?] river. Suppose you write to Ellen. She is the oldest one at home. was just 14 the day her step mother died. Doubtless she loved her as she would have done her own Mother, never having known any other. Uncle Wm. says he is afraid Judge is going into consumption . he has a very bad cough. Poor John is disabled again with boils. He can't get about [?] looks pitiful. Amuses himself reading Rollin [?] to Laura. He sits in the rocking chair with his ancient atlas & dictionary to help him understand what he reads. We haven't heard from Sawney since I wrote you last. That is we have not had a letter from him. We heard [?] Billy ___ [?] mentioned in his letter to B. Morrow [?] a few days ago, he was well. We heard from ___ [?] ___[?] he was well & ___ [?] ___[?] was better. ___[?] said cous. [?] was afraid to come home lest the anticipated battle might come off in his

Last edit over 4 years ago by eslong
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Addie, the chrysanthamums are so pretty now. I wish you had some. The young rose bushes are growing fiercely. I have set out seven or eight [of them?] [?] as many more to put out. The scarlet [?] has a bud on it. I hope the frost will hold off until it blooms. Your reports came Monday. I send yours to you, [?] [?] hasn't seen it yet. Jimmie came up late [Sun?] evening, just as the evening star appeared in the west, said he was going to stay all night with us. Happening on the [piazza?] shortly after dark the [?] sung, [?] dot a heap of stars and we aint got but our. At bed time he began to beg to go home and I had to carry him. When we got to his gate, he looked up and eclaimed, "[?], all grandma's stars done come to our house! Me's got one, two four, [?]" While I was writing this sentence Jim and his pa came in. I asked what I must tell Addie. He said tell her, "big A for Addie, and [?] A for Addie." He is very [fat?].

[The following is the sideways text:] Ma went [?] to see Janie yesterday evening. He hasn't been to see us since he moved. Tommy has just come in with arms full of flowers and I have made a magnificent flower pot and perched it up on the [safe?] for the admiration of the family and all comers and goers. The parlor is full of flowers was [?] their beauty and fragrance in the air. Our love to [?] Dick. I received his letter. I will [pay?] my respects to it when I get time. Mrs. C. [Morrow?] [?] [acted?] at Bette. [?] and [?] [?]. My love to all my girls.

In love and haste, your sister, Susan

Last edit over 4 years ago by kmhuber
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