1861-11-11 Susan Ann Webb from William Robert Webb





Hobnny Pl. [?] September 18th 1861

Dear sis Sue, I haven’t written home nor heard from home in several days, and I write this evening merely to let you know how I am getting along. But first how is Ma, where is Tip? I am anxious for an answer to both these questions. My health for more than three weeks has been very good until in the last three days. I have had these chills in the last three days. I have taken nothing as yet to treat them, but shall take some quinine this evening to see if I can't stop them. Sam Morrow [?] is still out in the country. I have no

Last edit over 4 years ago by olin.hj


news of interest to write. I have at last got the true statement about the taking of Hatteras. Mr. Mitchell, who ha_ a son here very sick, came down to see him and he gave the [most?] exaggerated account of the affair I even heard. He told us that the whole militia of several counties was ordered out. Alamance among the number. ’Twas all excitement in our reg. when we heard about the unfortunate affair. How is Mr. B’s school flourishing? What representatives has he in Chapel H.? What has become of Hall? Our mess [?] have fixed us up a kind of a chest and have brought some plates, cups and saucers. We are tired of tin. We will soon [cease to?] draw sugar & coffee as it is very scarce in South

Last edit over 4 years ago by SimoneFrank
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This will be a great help. We have had a plenty of nice fat ___[?] in the last week or two and ___ [?] understands cooking it pretty well. I have just rec'd a letter from Tip since I began to write. He was at Greensboro. He tells me ___ [?] of his belonging to the 13th reg. N.C. now at M___[?]. I am anxious to hear from him. His letter was written over a week ago. How is sister Etta? You haven't mentioned her in your last letters. We have had much wet weather lately. Now the rain is falling on the tent [?]. I hope to see fair weather again soon. I suppose ___[?] of you __ this have seen Capt. ____[?] and he has told you all the news about how we are situated. We are almost entirely surrounded by water. This prevents a great deal of __ [?]

Last edit over 4 years ago by elisciak
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This is the same photograph as page_0003

Last edit over 4 years ago by eslong
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as it signing a [?] fewer number of [s?], [?] & [?] my chill tomorrow. I think I shall pay Mrs. Rowe another visit. [?] will [?] be uneasy about me. I will soon be well again and [?] to stand any-thing. As I said when I started, I have [?] to [?] well [?] my [?] [?] [?] [?], [?] [?] Mr. Mr. [?] [?] [?] your fond brother Avery (?)

Last edit over 4 years ago by clwaller
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