Sec. I This Congregation shall be known by the name of the children of Israel.
Sec. I The mode of worship shall be in conformity to the minhag Ashkenass (Custom of the German Israelites).
Government Sec. I The affairs of this Congregation shall be administered by a board of officers consisting of the President, Vice President Secretary & Treasurer & Three Trustees who shall be elected at a general meeting of the Congregation, to be held in the month (of Nissan) every year or as near that period as practicable, & said board of officers shall continue in office until their successors are elected & entered into office.
Election of Officers Sec I The election of officers mentioned in Article III of this Constitution, shall be by separate Ballots (or acclamation if no objection raised) and the candidate receiving a majority of all the votes cast shall be declared duly elected.
Sec II No member shall be nominated to any office, unless he is present at the
election, or has previous to his being nominated, signified his willingness to accept the office he is nominated for by a letter to the presiding officer, which letter is to be laid before the voters immediately, upon the candidate being nominated.
Sec III In case of any vacancy in the board of officers, a new election for the unexpired term of the vacant office shall take place within one month after such vacancy occurs.
Sec IV Any member elected to any office & desires to resign the same shall tender his resignation in writing at the General Meeting of the Congregation.
Duties & Power of the Board of Officers
Sec I The board of officers shall keep a record of their proceedings in a book for that purpose & at any regular meeting of the Congregation, the proceedings of the board of officers, since the last Regular meeting, shall be read.
Sec II They shall have control over the property, books, papers & other effects belonging to the Congregation & provide for the safety & proper order of the same.
Sec III They shall have the power to enact such regulations as they may deem expedient for their own government for promoting order & decorum, during
divine service & also for the proper administration of our Hebrew rites & ceremonies provided such regulations are not contrary to the tenor of this constitution & such bylaws, that may be hereafter enacted.
Sec IV They shall examine all bills, against the Congregation & when approved by them, order the same for payment.
Sec V They may approbriate for Congregative purposes, any sum not exceeding fifty ($50.00) dollars.
Sec VI They shall accept the resignation of a member, offered in writing, if all his arrears are paid.
Sec VII They shall have the power to suspend salaried officers, for neglect of duty or misconduct in office, until the final decision of the case be rendered by the Congregation.
Sec VIII They shall have power to relieve a member from paying his monthly contributions in part or entire, if such a member applies to them, praying for such relief, whenever they are satisfied of the petitioners inability to pay, provided that such petitioner has been a member of the Congregation one year & is not in arrears. They may however at any subsequent period reinstate him as a full paying member.
Sec IX. If a member of the board of officers shall absent himself for three successive meetings of the Board, his office shall
be declared vacant by said body unless he be excused by them.
Sec X They shall have the power & it shall be their duty to prescribe rules & regulations to all the salaried officers [margin note: subject to the ratification of the congregation] & such rules & regulations, not to be contrary to the tenor of these Constitutions or the bylaws, that may be hereafter enacted.
Sec XI Any member of the board of officers shall be liable for neglect of the duties of his office to suspension or removal from office.
Duties & Power of the President
Sec I The President shall preside at all meetings whether of the Board of officers or of the Congregation. He shall vote on all elections & on Constitutional questions; in other cases he shall only give the casting vote.
Sec II He shall attend synagogue at the stated times of divine service on every Sabbath & Holy days, he shall see that the rules & regulations, concerning order & decorum in the synagogue, be strictly complied with.
Sec III He shall sign all orders for the payment of bills passed by the board of officers & licenses for marriages.
Sec IV He shall have power to order at any time, a special meeting of the board of officers, or of the Congregation, but it shall be his duty to order all regular
meetings & to convene a special meeting of the board of officers, within 24 hours, if called on by a written application signed by two (2) members of the Board & a special meeting of the Congregation within ten (10) days if requested by similar application signed by five (5) members provided the application states the purpose for which the respected meeting shall be convened.
Duties of the Vice President
Sec I The Vice President shall act as president in the absence of the latter. He shall attend synagogue at the stated time of divine service, on every Sabbath & Holy day & assist the President in performance of his duties.
Duties of the Secretary
Sec I The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Congregation & Board of officers, keep correct accounts between the congregation & its members. He shall receive every description of revenue belonging to the Congregation, pay the same over to the Treasurer, taking his receipt for such. He shall draw all orders on the Treasurer