Sacramento, April 25, 1858
At the synagogue the Congregation met by
the call of Mr. President A. Hamburger in
the chair.
The object of the meeting was to elect a
chazzan, Teacher & shochat.
Mr. L. Korn nominated Mr. Newstadter
Mr. Zekind nominated " Ekman
A ballot was taken and showed the following
result: Mr. Newstadler received thirty five votes
Mr. Ekman " sixteen "
Mr. Blank one
Mr. Newstadter having received the majority
of all the votes cast was declared duly elected
for six months, from this date.
On motion of Mr. M. Greenebaum the Secy
shall notify Mr Newstadter of his election.
On motion the meeting adjourned agreeable
to a call of the President.
D. Kohn
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