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the promise, if the said Mr. Peck will give
satisfaction to the Congregation, the said
Mr. Peck shall receive $90 extra for
the six month ending.

A committee was appointed, to wait on
the Rev. Mr. Peck, and acquaint him of his
election, the committee brought forward
Mr. Peck, who tendered his thanks
to the congregation in a short verbal

Mr. Isaac Stone was proposed as a member
of this congregation and the gentleman
was unanimously accepted as a member.
On motion the meeting adjourned.

Jos. Bremer

A special meeting was held at Graham's Hall
on Tuesday May 17th, 1859 at 8 P.M.

The following gentlemen handed in their
resignation as members of this congregation
which were accepted, J. Greenebaum,
M. Dorn, E. Jacobs, A. Hamburger,
Wm Greenhood, L.D. Berwin, Ph.
Meyer, M. Lobenstein, Ph Frank,
The Congregation went in to the election
of officers in place of those resigned.

[Margin Note: President]
M. Marks was nominated for President.
The rules were suspended and
Mr Marks elected by acclamation
for President for the ensuing term.

[Margin Note: Vice Pr]
M. Newman was nominated for
Vice President. The rules were suspended
and Mr Newman elected per
acclamation for Vice President, for the term.

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