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Sacramento, August 4th, 1861

A monthly meeting of the Board of Officers of
Congregation B'nai Israel was held in the
synagogue. D. Kohn President in the Chair
absent Mr. Bremer.

On motion the charges against Mr. Lehman
were withdrawn.

On motion Messrs. Zekind and Marks were appointed
as a committee to wait upon Mr. Lehman
and request him to sign a contract made
between himself and our congregation.

Mr. Benhayon moved that each member of
our congregation be taxed $1.50 One 50/100 Dollar
for a seat in the synagogue. Mr. Elkus
amended that each member pay $2.00 Two 00/100 Dollars
for a seat, the amendment was adopted.

On motion of Mr. Marks it was adopted
that we sell 24 seats in the ladies department
making the first 2 rows fronting the railing
at $1.50 each except those who may choose
certain seats shall have to pay a premium
which will be sold at auction.

Mr. Marks moved that we call a general
meeting the last Sunday in August for
the purpose of selling choice seats and
for to make such other necessary arrangements
as may be proposed. Carried.

Messrs. Marks and Bremer were requested to act as collectors
during this week for this purpose of collecting monies
due our Congregation and Messrs. D. Kohn and
Benhayon to act as collectors for the same purpose
the week following.

On motion the meeting adjourned.

Mr. Marks proposed Mr. Greenhood
to become a member of our Congregation.
On motion Mr. Greenhood was elected.

S. Zekind, Secretary

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