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Sacramento, February 11/62

A meeting of the board of officers was held
D. Kohn presiding. The president reported
that he made a settlement with the fire
insurance company and gave them
receipt in full for two thousand dollars.
On motion the report was received and committee

Mr. Bremer moved that the president and
treasurer be requested to take up the mortgage
now in hands of Mr. Wetzlar and against
the property of the Congregation for $1,200.00.
Carried. On motion of Mr. Bremer a
Committee of two was appointed to see
what can be done with our synagogue and
what it will cost to fit it up for temporary use.
Mssrs. Zekind and Levy were appointed on
said committee.

Bill from Mr. Figg amounting to 20 dollars
for one month rent for room on 4th
street used as a school room, was referred
to Mr. Marks. Bill for wood $3.75 and
was ordered paid. On motion a committee
of two (2) was appointed to ascertain the
value of the סִפְרֵי תוֹרָה [sefer torah] which was damaged
in the flood belonging to Mr. S. Solomon
and report at the next meeting. Mssrs.
Bremer and Marks were appointed said committee.
S. Zekind moved that the President be requested
to call a special meeting of the congregation
on the first Sunday in March or as soon as
is expedient for the purpose of taking in
consideration the present state of our congregation
or such other business as may be proposed.
Motion adopted. No further business
appearing, this meeting adjourned.

S. Zekind

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