On motion the salary of a Chazzan, Shochet,
and Teacher was fixed at seventy five
dollars a month with the proviso that the
person filling that office was willing
to collect. He was to receive ten dollars a
month more, which motion was carried.
The secretary was instructed to write to
Rev. M.R. Cohen informing him of the
conclusion that the board of officers had
arrived, and wished to know if he was
willing to accept the office on the proposed
terms. No further business appearing
the meeting adjourned.
P.A. Aronson
Sacramento May 18, 1862
A special meeting of the board of officers
was called L. Elkus presiding. A. Levy was
fined one dollar for nonattendance.
A communication was received from
Rev. M.R. Cohen and placed on file.
Application was received from M. Silberberg
desiring to become a member of this
congregation; the application was duly
elected. On motion the meeting
adjourned to meet tomorrow evening, the
19 inst. to elect a Butcher.
P.N. Aronson
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