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and orphans of the deceased during
this their great trial.

Resolved that these Resolutions be
spread on the Record Book of this
Congregation and a copy thereof be
forwarded to the family of the deceased.
Resolved that these Resolutions be
published in the Daily Bee for one week.
No further business appearing the
meeting adjourned.

P.N. Aronson

Sacramento, May 19, 1862

A special meeting of the Board of
Officers was held. L. Elkus presiding.
A communication was received from
Schwartz & Lehman wishing to become
the butchers of this congregation, said
communication was received and placed
on file. On motion of A.P. Cramer a
committee was appointed consisting of
A.P. Cramer and J. Harris to make arrangements
with a butcher. No further business
appearing the meeting adjourned.

P. N. Aronson

Sacramento, June 27, 1862

A regular meeting of the Board of
Officers was held. L. Elkus presiding.
The Committee appointed to make
arrangements with the butcher reported
that they had agreed to take fifteen
dollars for the month of May and
twenty dollars for the June and
asked further time to make further
arrangements which request was granted.

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