Sacramento, Nov. 31st, 1863
A regular meeting of the congregation
was held, L. Elkus, Presiding. Minutes of
the last meeting and also those of the
board of officers were read and on
motion approved. The Committee on
collecting the outstanding debts of the
congregation asked to be discharged which
request was on motion granted. Semi
annual reports were received from the
Secretary and Treasurer and placed on file.
On motion the names of P. Pyser and
E.P. Nathan were stricken from the roll
of members on account of being in arrears.
Sacramento, January 25, 1863
A regular meeting of the congregation was
held, L. Elkus Presiding. Minutes of the
last meeting and also those of the
board of officers were read and on
motion approved. Committee on collections
reported progress and asked farther time which
was granted. Applications were received
from the following person wishing to become
members of this congregation G. Haines, J. Davis
A. Hamburger, M. Greenebaum, N.P. Jacobs,
S. Sipman and E. Jacobs and on motion the gentlemen
were unanimously elected members. On motion
the President was instructed to engage
Rev. M.R. Cohen to act in the same
capacity he now does and at the same salary.
On motion, Mr. A. Levy was instructed
to secure the gaslights belonging to the
congregation. A motion was made
by D. Kohn Esq. that one hundred fifty dollars
be appropriated for paying for the
Sefer Torah belonging to Mr. Solomon
which was damaged in the flood which
motion after a long debate was postponed until
the next regular meeting of the congregation.
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