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On motion the meeting adjourned.

P.N. Aronson

Sacramento,March 25, 1863

The regular meeting of the board of officers
was held, L. Elkus, presiding. Minutes
of last meeting read and approved.

The committee appointed to make arrangements
regarding Passover bread reported
that they had agreed with Mr. Goldman
to furnish the same at San Francisco
prices, on motion the report was adopted
and the committee discharged. On motion
of H.P. Craner a vote of thanks was
passed to Rev. H. Henry for the use of a
Megilah during Purim. Mr. A. Levy moved
that a committee consisting of the President
and Vice President be appointed to make
arrangements about a suitable place
for holding the divine service during Passover.
A communication was read from Rev. M.R.
Cohen and on motion received and placed
on file. No further business appearing the
meeting in motion adjourned.

P.N. Aronson

Sacramento, April 11, 1863

A regular meeting of the congregaton
was held, L. Elkus presiding. Minutes
of last meeting were read and approved.
Committee on collections reported that
they had collected all that was
possible and asked to be discharged
which request was granted. A communication
was read from the Rev. M.R.
Cohen on motion received and placed
on file. Annual reports were read from the

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