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secretary and treasurer and on motion
the same were received and placed on
file. On motion of B. Kosminsky the
secretary was instructed to draw an
order on the Treasurer for $150.00 in favor of
S. Solomon for the damage of his
Sefer Torah. The salary of the Rev. M.R.
Cohen was raised twenty-five dollars
and the gentleman unaniously
elected to the same office for a term of
six months. On motion of P.N. Aronson
a committee of three consisting of
G. Haines, P. Franklin, and B. Dennery were
appointed to devise ways and means
to raise the income of the congregation.
A motion was made by G. Harris that a
subscription list be opened, the amount
to go towards building a synagogue, which
motion being carried, $645.00 was immediately
subscribed. The election of officers being
met in order, L. Elkus was unanimously
elected President for the ensuing term.
J. Davis, Vice President
P.N. Aronson, Secretary
B. Dennery, Treasurer
J. Bremer
G. Haines Trustees
P. Franklin

On motion of M. Marks a vote of thanks
was passed to the retiring officers.
C. Ahpel was appointed a committee
to solicit subscriptions towards the
synagogue in Carson City.
No further business appearing the meeting

P. N. Aronson

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