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Sacramento, August 30th, 1868

A special meeting was called by the President
for the purpose of making arrangements
about the seats and assistant chazzan
for the ensuing holidays.
L. Elkus presiding.

A motion was made and carried
that members and their families be
furnished seats free of charge and
strangers shall pay for their seats a sum
not exceeding five dollars ($5.00).

A motion was made and carried that
when this meeting adjourns we meet
again next Sunday for the purpose
of distributing seats to members
which shall be drawn by paper ballots.

On motion 60 seats was reserved on the
first floor for the use of members
and 32 in the gallery for the use of
wives of members.

A motion was made and carried that the
choicest ladies seats be sold at a premium.

On motion the meeting adjourned.
S. Zekind, Secty.

Sunday, Sept. 6, 1868

An adjourned meeting was held,
the seats were properly distributed,
the choice of several ladies seats were
sold. Total amount realized, 8.00 Eight dollars

No further business appearing

The meeting adjourned.
S. Zekind, Secty.

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