March 3rd, 1870
Pursuant to adjournment a
meeting was held at the office
of L. Elkus when the
President announced the
following Ball committee.
J. Davis, J. Levison, H. Ross,
S. Zekind, N.M. Jacobs, A. Hamburger,
B. Kozminsky, G. N. Levy, B. Dennery,
A. Levy, A. Dennery, M. Wilson,
M. Robicheck, and L. Elkus.
On motion Mr. L. Elkus was elected
chairman and S. Zekind secretary.
The following subcommittees were
appointed by the chairman.
On Hall. J. Davis, J. Levison, and H. Ross.
On Printing. S. Zekind, N.M. Jacobs, and A. Hamburger.
On Music. G.N. Levy and B. Dennery.
On Supper. A. Dennery, A. Levy, M. Wilson.
and M. Robicheck. The meeting then
adjourned to meet again next day.
Several attempts were made by the
Chairman to hold another meeting
of the committee but without success.
At the third attempt the committee
was discharged and the Ball abandoned
with great reluctance on the part
of the president, he being confident
of success if the committee were
willing to act.
Adjourned sine die.
S. Zekind,
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