Minutes of May 29th continued.
Mr. G. Haines offered the following resolution:
Resolved that the Ladies and Gentlemen
shall be seated together during divine
services from this time in this congregation.
Signed G. Haines
On motion the resolution offered by Mr. Haines
was laid over until our next special meeting.
Nomination for officers being now in order
the president appointed Messrs. J. Levison and
B. Dennery to act as tellers.
For President, Mr. L. Elkus was placed in
nomination and was elected by acclamation.
For V.P., Mr. M. Friedman was placed in
nomination and was elected by acclaimation.
For Secretary, S. Zekind was placed in nomination
and was elected by acclaimation.
For Treasurer, G. Haines was placed in
nomination and was elected by acclaimation.
For Trustees, Messrs. J. Levison, B. Dennery,
M. Wilson, A. Constein, M. Joseph and
S. Moose were placed in nomination.
Dennery, Wilson, and Levison having received
a majority of all the votes cast, they were declared
duly elected Trustees for the ensuing year.
For School Commissioner, Messrs. Phillip
Meyer, L. Shawl, and J. Bories having received
all of the votes cast, they were declared elected
School Commissioners for the ensuing year.
Mr. A. Dennery was elected collector
by acclaimation.
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