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Report of the Committee

To the President, officers and members
of the Congregation B'nai Israel

Your committee appointed at your
last regular meeting for the purpose
of finding a suitable place for a
burial ground or negotiate with
the Hebrew Benevolent Society
offer the following preamble & resolution
for your consideration and recommend
their adoption.

Whereas: We believe by combining
the Congregation B'nai Israel and
the Hebrew Benevolent Society both of
Sacramento, California into one body
corporate, for the purpose of establishing
a superior religious association,
to obtain a better attendance at
divine service and to improve the pecuniary
means for charitable purposes as well
as for the support of the congregation.

Therfore be it resolved,
[margin note: 1st]
That the presidents of both societies and
a third person chosen by them
constitute a committee, who be and are
hereby empowered to legally dissolve
the now existing Hebrew Benevolent Society
and the Congregation B'nai Israel.

[margin note: 2nd]
That said committees be and are
hereby empowered to form a new
combined congregation and Benevolent
Society to be known by the name
of this ___

[margin note: 3rd]
That this new Society be governed
by the constitution and by laws of
the Congregation B'nai Israel and the
H.B. Society till a new code be

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