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margin note: 4th]
That all property now belonging to both
institutions be transferred to the
new Society, that body to have,
manage and hold the same

[margin note: 5th]
That such funds, money and evidence
of indebtedness which the new Society
may receive from the Hebrew Benevolent
Society shall henceforth and forever
be known as the Charitable Fund
to be used only for charity and
improvements and maintenence
of the H.B. Cemetery and for no
other purposes whatsoever.

[margin note: 6th]
That all monies received for burial
of nonmembers of the new Society
shall be placed in the Charitable Fund.

[margin note: 7th]
That at least one quarter of all the
monthly dues received by the new Society
or Congregation be placed into the
Charitable fund.

[margin note: 8th]
That all present members of the Hebrew
Benevolent Society and the Congregation B'nai
Israel be members of the new Society or
Congregation on the monthly payment
not to exceed two dollars.

[margin note: 9th]
That in case of epidemic or other extremis
the Charitable fund be exhausted, then
the same shall be replenished from any
and all other funds which the new
institution may have on hand or receive
to such amount as which be sufficient
for charitable purposes.

No further business appearing, the
meeting adjourned.

S. Zekind, Secretary

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