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Office of Judge Haines
Sacramento, July 13th, 1871

Special meeting of the Board of Officers
was held for the purpose of
considering a proposition from a
new butcher. All the officers were
present except S. Schreiber.
President Elkus in the chair.

The following communication was read
to the President and officers of the
Congregation B'nai Israel.

I hereby offer my services as butcher
for your congregation and will pay
you (10.00) ten dollars per month for one
year with a good security for the
faithful performance of the same.
Signed MacKall & Peltier
corner 3rd & L Street Sacramento [See Note]

On motion the above proposition
was rejected.

The meeting adjourned.

S. Zekind, Secretary

[Note: Robert H. McCall was a butcher at 3rd and L]

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