Synagogue, May 26th, 1872
The Annual Meeting of the congregation
was held. L. Elkus presiding.
The minutes of the last Semi-Annual
meeting and of all the succeeding
meetings of the Congregation and
its officers were read and approved.
Annual reports of the Secretary, Treasurer,
were read and referred to the Board
of officers for examination.
The Committee on Building appointed
April 7th, 1872 offered a verbal report as to
the necessary repairs to the building and
placed before the congregation 2 bids
for their consideration.
On motion the same was laid on the
The school committee offered their report
which was received and placed on file.
Mr. J. Davis offered the following resolution:
Resolved that this congregation shall elect
a superintendent of the school, for one year,
whose duty it shall be to visit the school
at least once a month. Said school and
teacher shall be under the immediate
supervision of the school superintendent.
Said superintendent shall report to this
congregation semi-annually.
This resolution if adopted shall go into
effect on the first day of June 1872.
Sacramento, May 26, J. Davis
Kozminsky amended that Mr. Davis shall
be said superintendent for one year.
The motion was carried as amended.
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