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The President declared the election
of officers next in order.

Messrs. J. Davis and H. Ross were appointed tellers.

for President L. Elkus was placed in
nomination. No further candidates appearing,
the Secretary was authorized to cast the
ballot for Mr. Elkus, who was declared
elected for the ensuing year.

for V.P. Mr. M. Friedman was nominated.
Mr. F. being the only candidate, the Secretary
was requested to cast the vote for
V.P and Mr. Friedman was declared elected.

Mr. M. Wilson was the only nominee
for Secretary and the President was
authorized to cast the vote for Secretary
and Mr. Wilson was declared elected.

Mr. G. Haines was the only nominee for
Treasurer. The Secretary was authorized to cast
the vote for Treasurer and Mr. Haines
was declared elected.

Messrs. J. Levison, A. Hamburger, B. Kozminsky,
and A. Levy were placed in nomination
for Trustees. Levison, Hamburger & Kozminsky
having received a majority of the all the votes
cast they were declared elected Trustees.

Mr. A. Dennery was nominated for
Collector and was elected by acclamation.

A motion was made and carried that
the Treasurer-elect be authorized to
purchase a new book.

On motion, the bids offered by the Committee
on Building were taken from the table
and read as follow:

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