Sacramento, July 12th, 1873
A special meeting was called at
G. Haines office at 7 o'clock P.M.
L. Elkus president in the chair.
The president stated the object of the
meeting is for the purpose of [??both]
board of officers to meet according
to a motion passed at our last general
meeting for the purpose to elect a
collector and shamas.
The following is a resolution offered
by trustee J. Levison and adopted
by [??both] board of officers in joint convention.
Resolved that the board of officers
respectively of H.B.S. and congregation
B'nai Israel in joint meeting elect
a Shames who duly elected shall be
to serve all summonses as directed by
each or both presiding officers,
collect all monies as ordered and make
returns thereof to the respective
secretaries as soon as collected,
attend to cleaning up the synagogue
and the basement thereof which is
used as a schoolroom, and all
such other duties as directed by said
presiding officers & appertaining to the
respective two societies.
Resolved the monthly
salary for such services shall be
$15.00 fifteen dollars and paid as follows.
From H.B.S. five dollars & congregation
B'nai Israel ten dollars at the
expiration of each month services.
Resolved the Shames shall be
elected at each general annual election,
hold the office for one year.
Sacramento, July 12, 1873
J. Levison
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