Sacramento, August 30th, 1879
A regular monthly meeting of the Board
of Officers of Congregation B'nai Israel
was held at Judge Haines office at 9 a.m.
Mr. L. Elkus, President in the Chair.
All officers present. The minutes of special and
regular meetings was read and approved.
The following bills was presented and on
motion was ordered paid
Mr. M. Friedman for salary as Shochet for August $20.00
N. Mohns to take of cemetery for August $15.00
M. Wilson for salary and service at marriage $30.00
T. D. Scriver, carriage at funeral for [??] $4.00
Capitol Gas Company $4.00
L. L. Lewis gas fitting $13.50
Isaac M. Wise for advertising $6.00
J. McClatchy and Company for advertising meetings $2.20
S. Morris Stationery $2.30
G. Haines Exchange on Silver $1.56
W. P. Stoner Painting and Carpentry $5.75
Rev. S. Gerstman on monthly salary in advance $150.00
Total $254.31
The President stated that he made arrangements
with an organist at $20.00 per month paid during
the Holiday, and $15.00 per month after Holiday.
He also reported progress on a choir.
A communication was read from Rev. S. Gerstman
asking this to advance one month's salary and
a compenstion for the month of August.
On motion of Mr. Haines, one month's salary be
advanced to Rev. Gerstman, and order drawn on the Treasurer
for the amount. Carried.
On motion of Mr. Newmark, one hundred dollars
be renumerated to Rev. Gerstman for the month
of August, subject to the approval of the congregation
this afternoon. Carried.
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